Generator Hub

All your secure generation tools in one place. Create passwords, keys, and more with professional-grade security.

Password Generator

Create strong, unique passwords that meet any security requirement. Customize length, character sets, and more.

  • Customizable length and complexity
  • Multiple character sets
  • Real-time strength analysis
Generate Password

Secret Key Generator

Generate secure API keys, encryption keys, and other secret tokens with cryptographic randomness.

  • Cryptographically secure
  • Multiple key formats
  • Adjustable key length
Generate Secret Key

Passphrase Generator

Generate memorable yet secure passphrases using a word-based approach for better security.

  • Easy to remember
  • High entropy
  • Customizable word count
Generate Passphrase

Random String Generator

Create random strings with customizable options for any purpose, from IDs to tokens.

  • Multiple character sets
  • Custom patterns
  • Flexible length
Generate Random String

Hash Generator

Generate secure hashes using multiple algorithms including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and more.

  • Multiple algorithms
  • Real-time hashing
  • File support
Generate Hash

About Our Generators

All our generators use the Web Crypto API to ensure true cryptographic randomness. Generation happens locally in your browser - your data never leaves your device. Each tool is designed with security-first principles and follows industry best practices.